TIM for Police Supervisors

It is strongly advisable for police supervisors who are called upon to respond to significant incidents to receive role-specific training in traffic incident management, with a focus on command responsibilities. Effective incident command is critical to the success of any TIM response, and supervisors who have a higher level of responsibility and authority in the response need to have a deep understanding of TIM principles, best practices, and decision-making processes.

Supervisors who are responsible for overseeing a traffic incident response need to be able to effectively coordinate the efforts of multiple responders and agencies, manage resources and personnel, make critical decisions under pressure, and communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved in the response. This requires a high level of skill and expertise, which can be acquired through specialized training and professional development opportunities.

Specific training in incident command and TIM should be incorporated into the ongoing professional development of police supervisors, to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively manage traffic incidents of varying levels of complexity and severity. Additionally, supervisors should regularly participate in exercises and simulations of real-world traffic incident scenarios, which can help them develop their incident command skills and identify areas for improvement in their response processes.

Agency Benefits of Supervisor-specific Training

For the agency, incorporating supervisor-specific TIM training provides benefits in terms of both incident response and enhanced organizational effectiveness:

  1. Improved incident response: Effective incident command is critical to the success of any TIM response, and supervisors who have a higher level of responsibility and authority in the response need to have a deep understanding of incident command principles, best practices, and decision-making processes. By providing supervisor-specific TIM training, the agency can ensure that its leaders are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively manage traffic incidents of varying levels of complexity and severity.
  2. Reduced liability: A well-trained and well-coordinated incident response can help to reduce the risk of liability for the agency and its officers. By investing in supervisor-specific TIM training, the agency can demonstrate its commitment to providing high-quality, effective incident response, which can help to protect the agency and its officers from legal claims and other liabilities.
  3. Improved organizational effectiveness: Effective incident response is not just important for managing traffic incidents; it is also an important aspect of overall organizational effectiveness. By providing supervisor-specific TIM training, the agency can enhance its reputation, improve community trust and confidence, and promote overall organizational excellence.
  4. Professional development: Providing supervisor-specific TIM training can also be a valuable professional development opportunity for agency leaders, allowing them to develop new skills and expertise, enhance their leadership abilities, and build their networks and connections within the larger public safety community.

Supervisor-specific TIM training is a wise investment for any police organization that is committed to providing high-quality, effective incident response and promoting overall organizational excellence.

one85 has built, from the ground up, a training program that focuses specifically on the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor at an incident scene. This program addresses key aspects and the inherent deficiencies of fundamental TIM concepts that are addressed by the presence of a prepared and competent supervisor.  The Massachusetts State Police added this class to a recent training program attended by nearly 100 members of the agency who have either been promoted or are soon to be promoted to Sergeant. 

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